Although we exist to help tackle food poverty, there are other benefits to what we do, and how we do it.
Nature is declining globally, and as a result, many countries have declared an “Ecology Emergency”. It is recognised in the scientific community that it is normal for there to be an amount of ‘natural extinction’, or “background extinction”, as it is known. However, scientists estimate that the loss of species has proliferated to between 1000 and 10000 times its natural rate, and this is a direct result of how we use the land and oceans, and a direct result of climate breakdown.
The work that we do at the Food Forest Project helps to rewild the land, creating habitat for endangered species, and planting trees and vegetation to remove carbon from the atmosphere, whilst maintaining a productive landscape to feed our communities.
Global temperatures have been steadily rising since the Industrial Revolution as a result of industrial emissions, particularly C02 and Methane, being released into the atmosphere. Scientists predict that by early/mid 2030’s, we are on target to reach a 1.5c to 2c Average temperature rise. This would see millions of climate refugees particularly in the global south, mass extinction of species, and habitat loss, regular extreme climate and weather events such as wild fires, flooding, draughts, and storms, and regularly cost billions of pounds in damages across the world.
But what can we do about this? Well, the positive thing is, we have all the solutions, and one of those is to change the way we produce food, and manage land. Opting for a forested, or semi-forested agricultural setting, we can capture and store millions of tonnes of carbon in the vegetation, and in the soil. Small scale agroecology is a way of being able to produce all the worlds food, whilst also mitigating the worst effects of the Climate and Ecology Emergencies.